Namespace hrm\param
Namespaces summary
hrm\param\base |
Classes summary
AberrationCorrectionMode | A ChoiceParameter to indicate the mode of aberration correction. |
AberrationCorrectionNecessary | A BooleanParameter to indicate whether aberration correction is necessary. |
AdvancedCorrectionOptions | A ChoiceParameter to indicate the options of aberration correction. |
Autocrop | A ChoiceParameter to indicate whether autocrop is enabled. |
BackgroundOffsetPercent | An AnyTypeArrayParameter to represent the background offset in percent. |
Binning | A ChoiceParameter to represent the binning. |
CCDCaptorSize | A NumericalParameter to represent the x-size of the CCD pixel. |
CCDCaptorSizeX | A NumericalParameter to represent the x-size of the CCD pixel. |
ChromaticAberration | A multi-channel, vector parameter to characterize the chromatic aberration. |
CMount | A NumericalParameter to represent the c-mount. |
ColocAnalysis | A ChoiceParameter to represent the colocalization analysis choice. |
ColocChannel | A NumericalArrayParameter to represent the colocalization channel choice. |
ColocCoefficient | An AnyTypeArrayParameter to represent the colocalization coefficients choice. |
ColocMap | A ChoiceParameter to represent the colocalization map choice. |
ColocThreshold | An AnyTypeArrayParameter to represent the colocalization threshold. |
CoverslipRelativePosition | A ChoiceParameter to represent the relative position of plane 0 with respect to the coverslip. |
DeconvolutionAlgorithm | A ChoiceParameter to represent the deconvolution algorithm. |
EmissionWavelength | A NumericalArrayParameter to represent the excitation wavelength. |
ExcitationWavelength | A NumericalArrayParameter to represent the excitation wavelength. |
ImageFileFormat | A SingleOrMultiChannelParameter to represent the image file format. |
IsMultiChannel | A BooleanParameter that distinguishes between single- and multi-channel images. |
MicroscopeType | A ChoiceParameter to represent the microscope type. |
MultiChannelOutput | A BooleanParameter to indicate whether the output is multi-channel. |
NumberOfChannels | A ChoiceParameter to represent the number of channels. |
NumberOfIterations | A NumericalParameter to represent the number of iterations. |
NumericalAperture | A NumericalParameter to represent the numerical aperture of the objective. |
ObjectiveMagnification | A ChoiceParameter to represent the objective magnification. |
ObjectiveType | A ChoiceParameter to represent the objective type. |
OutputFileFormat | A ChoiceParameter to represent the output file format. |
PerformAberrationCorrection | A ChoiceParameter to indicate whether aberration correction should be performed. |
PinholeSize | A NumericalArrayParameter to represent the pinhole size per channel. |
PinholeSpacing | A NumericalParameter to represent the pinhole spacing per Nipkow spinning disks. |
PointSpreadFunction | A ChoiceParameter to handle the type of PointSpreadFunction to be used, theoretical or measured. |
PSF | An AnyTypeArrayParameter that handles the file names of the PSF files per channel. |
PSFGenerationDepth | A NumericalParameter to represent the depth of the PSF generation. |
QualityChangeStoppingCriterion | A NumericalParameter to represent the quality change stopping criterion. |
SampleMedium | A ChoiceParameter to represent the sample medium. |
SignalNoiseRatio | A NumericalArrayParameter to represent the SNR per channel. |
SpimCenterOffset | A NumericalArrayParameter to represent the Z offset of the light sheet center. |
SpimDir | An AnyTypeArrayParameter to represent the SPIM direction. |
SpimExcMode | An AnyTypeArrayParameter to represent the SPIM excitation mode. |
SpimFill | A NumericalArrayParameter to represent the SPIM Fill Factor. |
SpimFocusOffset | A NumericalArrayParameter to represent the focus offset of the SPIM light sheet |
SpimGaussWidth | A NumericalArrayParameter to represent the SPIM width of a Gaussian sheet. |
SpimNA | A NumericalArrayParameter to represent the NA of the SPIM lens. |
Sted3D | A NumericalArrayParameter to represent the STED 3D parameters. |
StedDepletionMode | An AnyTypeArrayParameter to represent the STED depletion mode. |
StedImmunity | A NumericalArrayParameter to represent the STED immunity fraction. |
StedSaturationFactor | A NumericalArrayParameter to represent the STED saturation factor. |
StedWavelength | A NumericalParameter to represent the STED depletion wavelength. |
TimeInterval | A NumericalParameter to represent the time interval in time series. |
TubeFactor | A NumericalParameter to represent the tube factor. |
ZStabilization | A ChoiceParameter to indicate whether stabilization in the Z direction is enabled. |
ZStepSize | A NumericalParameter to represent the z step (distance between planes). |